Massey University graduate Semi Hausia has returned to Tonga to begin a career as a quarantine officer.

He joined the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Forests and Fisheries after completing his degree and taking a summer internship organised by the Pacific Cooperation Foundation.

He spent the summer with Auckland Council’s Environmental, Monitoring, Research and Evaluation team.

He was one of 15 graduates picked for the internship.

His job with MAFF involves tracking what happens to commodities from Tonga when they are exported.

This means ensuring that they can be traced in a way that complies with international market requirements.

Hausia said his experiences had helped him obtain his position with MAFF.

“The most significant lesson I have learnt is about the levels of management, the linkages and boundaries,” he told the PCF Newsletter.

“Knowing my position and my responsibilities will enable me to work both effectively and efficiently.”

He said he was delighted to be home and giving back to his community.

“I’m feeling confident in myself and my ability in my field of work and expertise.”

The main points

  • Massey University graduate Semi Hausia has returned to Tonga to begin a career as a quarantine officer.
  • He joined the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Forests and Fisheries after completing his degree and taking a summer internship organised by the Pacific Cooperation Foundation.
  • He spent the summer with Auckland Council’s Environmental, Monitoring, Research and Evaluation team.
  • He said he was delighted to be home and giving back to his community.

For more information

Summer Internship opens doors in Tonga

Information on PCF internships


  1. Kuo foki atu e tangata ne ma’u hono mata’itohi mei he ʻUnivēsiti ʻo Mesí ki Tonga ke kamata ha lākanga foʻou ko e ʻōfisa kolonitini.

    Kuó ne ngāue he Potungāue Ngoué, Meʻakaí, Vaotātā mo e Toutaí hili e maʻu ʻa hono tikilií mo fakahoko foki ʻene ako fakataukei ne fokotuʻutuʻu ʻe he Pacific Cooperation Foundation.

    Lolotonga e samá ne ne ngāue he timi ki he ʻātakaí ʻa e Kosilio ʻAokalaní ʻoku ʻiloa ko e Auckland Council’s Environmental, Monitoring, Research and Evaluation.

    Ko e taha ia ʻo e toko 15 maʻu mataʻitohi ne toʻo ki he ako fakataukeí ni.

    Ne kau ʻi hono fatongia ʻi he MAFF ʻa hono muimuiʻi e ʻū meʻa ʻoku hoko ki he ngaahi koloa mei Tongá he taimi ʻoku fakatau mai aí.

    ʻOku ʻuhinga ʻeni ki hono vakaiʻi pe ʻoku nau muimui ki he fiemaʻu ʻa e ngaahi māketi fakavahaʻapuleʻangá.

    Pehē ʻe Hausiá kuo tokoniʻi ia ʻe heʻene ngaahi taukeí ʻo maʻu ai hono lakanga he MAFF.

    “Ko e lēsoni mahuʻinga taha kuó u akó ʻoku fekauʻaki mo e ngaahi lēvolo ʻo e manasimeni pe puleʻi ʻo e ngāué, ko hono fakafehokotaki ʻo e ngaahi meʻá mo hono ngaahi ngātangá,” ko ʻene fakahā ia ki he niusileta ʻa e PCF.

    “Ko hono ʻilo hoku tuʻungá mo hoku ngaahi fatongiá ʻe lava ke ola mo malavalava ai ʻeku ngāué”.

    Ne ne pehē ʻoku fiefia ke foki ki ʻapi mo tokoni ki hono komiunitií.

    “ʻOku ou ongoʻi ʻoku ou maʻu ha loto-maʻu ʻiate au mo e meʻa ʻoku ou mafeia mo mataotao ai ʻi hoku malaʻé.